The Earthdawn Groves Package

'' Earthdawn Groves '' Full length album
check out teaser at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5txYXBTL8oE?rel=0
- Tracklist :
1. Prologue
2. A Tale Of Greed
3. Trollheimen
4. Book Of The Damned
5. Set Sail To The North
6. Trollka
7. Earthdawn Groves
8. An Hymn for the vanquished
9. The Fallen
10. Epilogue (Frozen land)
+ bonus track
Band: Trollwar
Album: Earthdawn Groves (CD - 2013)
Genre: Folk Metal
Country: Canada, Quebec.
Pre-Order : November 1, 2013.
- Label: Self-Production
- Order album here:
* Physical Format :
- http://trollwar.bigcartel.com
* Digital Format :
- Itunes :
* http://bit.ly/16qJHxe
- Amazon
* http://amzn.to/1a0uaEE
- Websites:
* http://www.facebook.com/trollwar
* http://www.twitter.com/trollwarqc
* http://www.youtube.com/trollwarfolkmetal
* http://trollwar.bandcamp.com